Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just Desserts

Tarpeia laden
bejewelled to stooping
_____down, past lupine
eyes, blue and shot through
_____with gray.
In blackness a sound
_____she made
scorched the olive branch
_____clean of peaceful
_____Fruit and leaf
_____as roots grieved
myths men ate.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Ochre rail, paint flaking off
red brick_____horsefly
__________thick buzz.
Summer dust
__________still air:
_____the Chinese character
for snake
_____hung there
__________a moment
above the rose,
The ideogram disintegrates
__________then rises,
winding up
_____past a copper pipe.


From behind
_____not the sound
__________of a woman's voice
as he had thought
_____but a kind-looking
__________black man
old and muttering
_____as a red van
__________motors by.

The doctor told
_____his mother
__________what must be done.
He wonders again why --
_____who will he be
__________after?  Will he still
be capable
_____of wonder?
__________Will he be less?

Under the glass
_____were jars --
labelled and full
_____of pharoah parts --
__________all but the brain,
which he'd been taught
_____the Egyptians
__________thought superfluous.

Will she love him more
_____then, when like
__________the blue bowl
on his window sill
_____his head is filled
__________only half
with marbles?  He earned
_____them by cutting grass.
__________Not now; be quiet and still.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Cicadas hum,
starlings sing.
_____June heat
as the deer skull
peering from beside
_____that rust-mottled truck.
Mid-60s Ford on blocks.
_____Martin kicks stones
__________down the road.
Rancheria dust
__________grass gold.
Grandma alone knows
_____what the old things mean
and why his white father
had to run 40 miles
_____just to go to jail.
Slam the screen door,
_____flip through the mail.
Martin slides the pink slip
_____across the formica
_____The principal's
signature signed black.
Dessicated wasps on their backs
_____by the window
behind the dish rack.

View of a Koi Pond

Scarlet peeks out, left breast.
Silk, faintly iridescent.

Susurration: cloth crosses cloth.
Woodsmoke, citrus, musk,

a man's sweat.  Calloused hands
drawn over stone.  Mirrored below,

in the pool, a face.  That face
has never been young nor a fool's.

It's known sin.  Lines years of smiles
carved therein terminate in hooks

at a mouth, thin-lipped.
Two wives in a row, a child.

Nine leaves float, encircle his head:
halo -- autumn crowns him red.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


_____breathe damp

_____shadow glides
round clearing, long
__________then short.

Over sorrel, grass.

It stalks night.
pint glass a massive hand, scarred,

on the bar.

slumber under stars.
They illuminate nothing.
_____Moonless sky.

Crickets.  Stillness.  A lie:
__________eyes gleam

Exhale.  Droplets --

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Black lacquer box
pink Coty compact
locket she bought
5 and dime.

She and Aunt Pearl
_____side by side
black and white_____1955.

Walk through Selma
woman_____a look
of the Cherokee
_____about her.

Fur coat, glowworm club.

Did the jazz,
Jelly-Roll Morton
get you off your ass?

Communists, Black Panther kids.

emblazoned with toy
pagoda in gold

She was a giver
of lip, shit-kicker.

Stars never aligned
nor did they fall.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fire Ants

mandible to leg

Cow trots over
hovers above.

bring her back
to swing her skirt
_____by the fire.

fly up to the dark

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tea and Cake

The King of the World
came to play
and found the cake
his mama had made.

It had buttercream icing,
candies on top.
He knew he shouldn't
but he just couldn't stop.

"Oh heavens now whatever will I do?
Mama and friends I've given a clue.
Someone ruined the cake for tea!
Now Mama might turn in anger and eat me!"

Ocean Beach Doggerel

He slams the gate
The red steel gate.

The house is on 48th.
He walks to the beach.

There crows meet
on a whale beached

sometime in the morning.
A fire to the North:

USF stoners cheat
with girls hailing from State.

He walks the other way,
doesn't stop 'til day

breaks.  Not one look back.
He's alone along the wrack.

He's an hour from turning 40.
He was born quarter after three.

Russian Roulette

Eye gleam

blue light

mouth set
_____curled with pride


shared, shined

_____boots starkly lined.

Mirror black
_____oiled stack
__________march to the rack
a round in His honor.

Common folk
avert their gaze,
hope to hide
under cloaks, lies.

 Sirens wail
_____old mourners
__________eyes dry.